Onunu served with ata dindin, ponmo and eja panla

Onunu: A Taste of the Niger Delta:

Onunu, hailing from the Niger Delta region of Nigeria, is a mouthwatering dish that combines mashed yam with ripe plantains. The preparation is simple yet incredibly delicious. Yam and plantains are boiled until tender, then mashed together to form a smooth and velvety consistency. The resulting mixture is shaped into compact balls or mounds, creating an appealing presentation.

Ata Dindin: Spicy Red Pepper Sauce:

To enhance the flavors of Onunu, it is commonly served with Ata Dindin, a fiery red pepper sauce. Ata Dindin is made by sautéing onions, peppers, and tomatoes in palm oil until they are well-cooked and slightly caramelized. The combination of the aromatic spices and the rich, smoky flavor of the palm oil creates a tantalizing sauce that complements the mildness of the Onunu.

Ponmo: The Delightful Addition:

Ponmo, which refers to cow skin, is a popular ingredient in Nigerian cuisine, particularly in the southwestern region. It adds a unique texture and chewiness to dishes, and when served with Onunu, it adds a delightful contrast to the softness of the mashed yam and plantains. Ponmo can be prepared in various ways, including boiling, frying, or grilling, depending on personal preference.

Eja Panla: Stockfish for Flavorful Bliss:

Eja Panla, or stockfish, is a dried and salted fish widely used in Nigerian cuisine. It brings a distinct umami flavor to the Onunu dish. The fish is rehydrated, cleaned, and boiled until it becomes tender. It is then flaked and added as a topping or mixed into the Onunu. The combination of the savory stockfish with the sweetness of the Onunu creates a perfect balance of flavors.

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One comment

  1. nikkybakes85 said on June 24, 2023 Reply

    Is the plantain used in the onunu recipe ripe or unripe? Thanks.

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