Hot semo served with efo riro, fish, ponmo and chicken.

Semo is a popular Nigerian staple food made from semolina flour. It is usually served hot and is a great accompaniment to various types of soups or stews, including efo riro, which is a traditional soup from the southwestern part of Nigeria.

To make efo riro, a variety of vegetables such as spinach, waterleaf or ugwu (pumpkin leaves), along with meat or fish, palm oil, onions, crayfish, and seasoning cubes are used. The soup is prepared by first boiling the meat or fish and adding other ingredients to create a flavorful broth. The vegetables are then added and cooked until the soup is thickened.

Fish is a popular protein used in Nigerian cuisine and is often added to soups and stews for added flavor and nutrition. Ponmo, which is cow skin, is also a common ingredient in Nigerian cuisine and is usually boiled or fried and added to soups or stews. Chicken is another protein that is often used in Nigerian cuisine and can be boiled, grilled, or fried.

When serving hot semo with efo riro, fish, ponmo, and chicken, the semo is usually molded into a ball or rounded shape and placed on a plate or in a bowl. The efo riro soup is then poured over the semo, and the fish, ponmo, and chicken are added on top. The dish is typically eaten with a spoon or fork.

This dish is a flavorful and filling meal that is enjoyed by many Nigerians, and it is often served at special occasions such as weddings, birthdays, and other celebrations.

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