Shredded Chicken sauce

Rating: 4.00/5. From 1 vote.
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Preparation time
10 mins
Cooking time
30 mins
3 people
Meal course
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Shredded Chicken sauce

An easy to make shredded chicken sauce with bell peppers and an exquisite taste. Paired with rice or any desired dish.

  1. Cut chicken breast into shreded pieces.
  2. Wash and set aside to strain.
  3. Now wash onions and bell peppers. Cut them into same shape as the chicken breast. Set aside
  4. In a bowl, mix the soy sauce, seasoning cubes, garlic and ginger paste, black pepper powder and chilli powder. Mix together and add to the shredded chicken breast. Let it sit for 10mins.
  5. While it's sitting, heat a little oil in pan and stir fry the onions and bell peppers for 5 mins. Once done, turn of the heat and set aside.
  6. Now place another pan on fire, add a little oil.
  7. Once it's hot, add the marinated chicken breast and keep stirring for about 5mins
  8. Add a cup of water and let it cook for another 10mins.
  9. Next, add a little water to the cornflour to form a paste.
  10. Add the paste into the already cooking chicken shreds. Let it cook for 1min while stirring.
  11. Lastly, add the stir fried veggies into the soup and stir for another 2mins.
  12. Voila. Sauce is ready. I love to pair this sauce with basmati rice and plantains.


  1. richardejiro said on April 8, 2023 Reply

    Chicken curry sauce is a Unique sauce to eat rice dish. I love it so much. Thanks for the recipe you shared.

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  2. uniquebenny said on May 30, 2023 Reply

    I love this recipe.
    Will try it out

    Rating: 1.00/5. From 1 vote.
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