Pounded yam

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Preparation time
50 mins
Cooking time
20 mins
1 people
Meal course
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1 Tuber
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1 Tuber yam tuber
Pounded yam

Pounded yam is a local food in Nigeria and even with the invention of poundo yam, you can’t just get rid of pounded yam. I love pounded yam and would love for everyone to see it

  1. 2) Peel the yam
  2. 3) cut into smaller sizes and rinse thoroughly and place in a pot
  3. 4) Add water into the pot and put on the fire until it is well cooked
  4. 5) Remove from fire after it is thoroughly cooked
  5. 6) Wash the mortar and pestle and put the cooked yam into the mortar slice by slice
  6. 7) pound the yam until it soft and has an even consistency
  7. 8) You can add hot water if it is still hard but once it is to your satisfaction, get a fisher and serve
  8. 9) Yum! It is ready to be eaten and you can either eat with vegetable, melon soup or just go ahead and mix it up to how you want

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