Delicious Oat Chinchin

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Preparation time
30 mins
Cooking time
20 mins
2 people
Meal course
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1 Cup
1 Cup
50 Gram
1 Teaspoon
1 Cup
1 Cup
1 Teaspoon
1 Cup Flour1 Cup Oat50 Gram Butter1 Teaspoon Salt1 Cup Sugar1 Cup Milk1 Teaspoon Nutmeg
Delicious Oat Chinchin

Chin-chin – is a fried dough snack which is common to parts of West Chin-chin – is a fried dough snack which is common to parts of West Africa.

Traditional chin-chin recipes make use of all-purpose flour, but these are  made by adding  Oat which is absolutely delicious.

  1. Sift flour
  2. Pulse blend the dry oat once
  3. Get the mixing bowl and pour in the flour, oat, sugar ,nutmeg and salt
  4. Mix the dry ingredients
  5. Rub in the butter in the dry ingredients and mix well
  6. Whisk the egg and milk together
  7. Pour in the whisked eggs and milk in the try ingredients and mix well
  8. Do not knead too much
  9. Roll the dough with a rolling pin
  10. Cut them to desired shape and size
  11. Fry in minimum heat until brown but not too brown
  12. Set aside to cool

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