Crunchy chin chin

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Preparation time
30 mins
Cooking time
30 mins
5 people
Meal course
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10 Cup
1 Cup
1 Teaspoon
1 Teaspoon
Baking powder
6 Tablespoon
10 Cup Flour1 Cup Sugar1 Teaspoon Salt1 Teaspoon Baking powder6 Tablespoon Milk
Crunchy chin chin

Chin chin is one of the easiest snacks that can be made at home with simple ingredients.

  1. Mix the Flour, baking powder, Sugar, and Nutmeg together in a Bowl.
  2. Add the Egg, Melted Butter and Milk to the dry mixture and mix together until a dough is formed and knead the dough for a couple of minutes (about 2 to 4 minutes).
  3. Roll the dough it out into a thin sheet of about a 1/4 to 1/6 inch thickness and use a pizza cutter or a knife to cut the dough into tiny pieces.
  4. Preheat some oil - enough to deep fry the chin chin and fry until golden brown.
  5. Allow to cool completely before serving. Enjoy!

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