Assorted bitter leaf soup

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Preparation time
20 mins
Cooking time
10 mins
10 people
Meal course
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2 Kg
2 Medium
Ogiri (locust bean) wrap
2 Cooking spoon
Palm oil
2 Kg
1 Large
Stock fish and dry fish each
1 Cup
Crayfish and pepper
2 Kg Cocoyam2 Medium Ogiri (locust bean) wrap2 Cooking spoon Palm oil2 Kg Meat1 Large Stock fish and dry fish each1 Cup Crayfish and pepper
Assorted bitter leaf soup

Bitter leaf soup also known as ofe ede or ofe onugbo is a highly nutritious meal native of the east. It is known as soup for the odogwu’s in igbo land because of the nutrient and health benefits and mostly prepared for wealthy men in an occasion. It is prepared from cocoyam(ede) as the main ingredients. It is consumed as a main dish alongside with eba, fufu, semo or pounded yam.

  1. First of all wash your cocoyam(ede) very well to remove dirt that may interfere with your main cooking, add water and boil
  2. As the cocoyam is boiling, wash your meat, stock fish and dry fish with salt and water, add onion, Maggi and salt to it and boil to tender
  3. Boil you bitter leaf if you wish to reduce the bitterness to a minute level
  4. Remove the cocoyam from heat, peel the brown skin and pound to smoothness to avoid lumps. Add palm oil in the pounding process to help improve the attractive yellow colour of the soup
  5. In your main cooking pot, add water and the stock to it and bring to boil
  6. Add your palm oil, salt, seasoning cube, pepper, crayfish and ogiri(locust bean) and boil for a minute
  7. Mould in your pounded cocoyam, stir and cover the pot, allow to boil until it is completely dissolved
  8. Finally, add your bitter leaf and your meat and stock fish into the soup and stir
  9. Allow to boil for 2minutes, bring out from heat, dish out and serve with any accompaniment of choice

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