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Preparation time
10 mins
Cooking time
12 mins
5 people
Meal course
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2 Cup
3 Teaspoon
Baking powder
1 Cup
3 Large
3 Tablespoon
1 Teaspoon
100 Gram
1 Cup
Vegetable oil
1 Cup
2 Cup Flour3 Teaspoon Baking powder1 Cup Milk3 Large Egg3 Tablespoon Sugar1 Teaspoon Salt100 Gram Butter1 Cup Vegetable oil1 Cup Water

This recipe will help you make your own delicious pancakes at home with ease.

  1. Melt the butter by pouring inside the frying pan and heat it up with a medium heat either with a stove or gas cooker.
  2. Add the flour, milk, baking powder, sugar, salt, half cup of water and mix properly till all the lumps disappear.
  3. Mix the eggs, another half cup of water with the melted butter properly till it is smooth. Then pour it inside the already mix flour. Then mix properly.
  4. Set aside for 20 minutes to rest if you have time, or start cooking immediately if there is no time.
  5. Set a frying pan over a medium heat and add a few drops of vegetable oil. When hot, add a table spoon of pancake into the frying pan. Fry for like 1min, but turn each side of the pancake until a golden brown colour is achieved. Do that for the remaining pancakes.
  6. Your Pancakes are ready.

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