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Preparation time
90 mins
Cooking time
10 mins
3 people
Meal course
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4 Cup
Short grain rice
6 Cup
2 Cup
Cooked normal rice
1 Tablespoon
Baking soda
1 Cup
1 Tablespoon
1 Teaspoon
2 Cooking spoon
Vegetable oil
4 Cup Short grain rice6 Cup Water2 Cup Cooked normal rice1 Tablespoon Baking soda1 Cup Sugar1 Tablespoon Yeast1 Teaspoon Salt2 Cooking spoon Vegetable oil

Masa is a traditional dish particular to the north and it is made from milled short grain riceā€¦ it can be eaten with sugar, yaji, miyan taushe(pumpkin soup), miyan gyada(groundnut soup), vegetable stew or even pepper sauce.

  1. Soak short grain rice in 4 cups of water with baking soda for 2-4hours or overnight
  2. Blend with 2cups of fresh water
  3. Add sugar, salt, yeast and also cooked rice to the batter and blend till smooth or well mixed
  4. Cover for 30-45mins in a warm place and allow to rise well
  5. Mix well and scoop into sections of the masa pan to fry

One comment

  1. Dorcas D. Kajang said on November 4, 2023 Reply

    Great blessing

    Rating: 5.00/5. From 1 vote.
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