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Preparation time
5 mins
Cooking time
2 mins
2 people
Meal course
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3 Cup
3 cups of all purpose flour
100 Gram
3 Cup 3 cups of all purpose flour100 Gram Sugar

Less stress free breakfast meal

Made with two basic ingredients

And enjoyed with tea or coffee as a breakfast

  1. Mix your flour and sugar together add a pinch of salt and mix with water till you have a running batter
  2. Heat up your pan (non sticky pan preferred) and add a bit of oil to aid flipping of your crepe. Then pour your batter bit by bit and shape it out to form a round shape
  3. When your crepe starts to bubble filp to the other side so as to allow it cook too
  4. You can serve with maple syrup, honey or eat like that with a cup of Tea or coffee

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