
Rating: 2.50/5. From 2 votes.
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Preparation time
5 mins
Cooking time
10 mins
5 people
Meal course
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Posted on
1 Bowl
1 Cup
Red oil
3 Large
1 Cup
3 Large
Garden egg
1 Bowl
1 Cup
2 Medium
1 Bowl Abacha1 Cup Red oil3 Large onions1 Cup NGO3 Large Garden egg1 Bowl Canda1 Cup Akpaka2 Medium Fish

An African Recipe that is filling and delicious.

  1. Bring water to a boil and bring it down
  2. In a clean bowl pour in your abacha and then the hot water soak till tender
  3. In a clean pot put in red oil and let it heat up your local spice ngo
  4. Sieve the local spice and put it in the hot oil put in crayfish, pepper maggi and salt to taste
  5. Add in your onions on low heat bring it down
  6. Once it cools down add in your already tender abacha and stir to taste
  7. Put aside and chop up raw onions for garnishing
  8. Chop up your garden eggs and veggies and your sauced canda meat
  9. Serve and enjoy


  1. zinny said on May 10, 2023 Reply


    Rating: 2.00/5. From 1 vote.
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  2. Isaiah Ogechi Mary said on November 28, 2023 Reply

    I love Abacha alot. African salad.

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